Sports Institute

The Sports Institute was established in 2007 to identify students who have a high level of skill, knowledge and previous experience in their chosen sport. The aim is to improve the skill levels of players at a junior level so that by the time they reach senior level, they are significantly advanced. Boys in Years 8 to 11 participate in the Institute, representing six key sports at the College: Basketball, Cricket, Football, Rowing, Rugby, and Water Polo. The Institute takes approximately 130 boys each year across these year groups.

Students who are involved in the Institute are proving to be fitter, better prepared for their season and more disciplined in their health and fitness. They benefit from presentations by experts that impart key strategies the boys can use to improve their sporting preparation and performance. Pre-season fitness, conditioning, theory, nutrition and time management are covered as well as skill development in their chosen sport

Sports Institute Goals
  • To identify, develop and support students who have a high level of skill, knowledge and previous experience in their chosen sport
  • To improve the sporting performance and success of Sacred Heart College in targeted sports and sport in general
  • To create and develop a strong coaching structure and coaching qualifications among Sacred Heart College staff, Old Boys and parents
  • To develop among all students, a passion to give their best to Sacred Heart College sport
  • To maintain the best possible sporting facilities at Sacred Heart College, e.g. sports fields, indoor cricket nets, practice strips and the aquatic centre
  • To strategically develop a Sporting Plan in order to successfully compete and eventually win Auckland, North Island and New Zealand titles
Lesson Structure

Each sport is organised into two separate groups, a combined Year 7 and 8, and a combined Year 9 and 10. For Football and Rugby, classes are incorporated into the student's timetable. In Years 7 and 8 each student is to attend two periods a week of their Sports Institute chosen sport as part of their normal curriculum. The Year 9 and 10 groups have three lessons per week. Basketball, Cricket, Water Polo and Rowing take place either before or after school. 

Throughout these lessons they will receive high-quality coaching and theory lessons in the classroom, both designed to improve and develop not only their practical skills, but also their understanding of how to look after their bodies and train properly for their chosen sport. The theory lessons are based around generic sport-related studies and include such topics as goal setting, sports psychology, diet and nutrition. Their acquisition of new skills, a greater understanding of sport and their general involvement in the programme have the potential to positively affect other areas of school life and help the boys become well-rounded individuals.

If the boys feel that they are sufficiently competent in two sports, both a summer and winter code may be selected. This is quite a commitment for a student however, and all parties concerned must be fully aware of the demands that this will place on their bodies.


The following conditions apply for Institute boys:

  • The Year 7 and 8 boys are expected to catch up with any academic work they miss as a result of attending their Institute classes.
  • In Year 9 and 10, boys choose Sports Institute as one of their option lines (Football and Rugby only), in place of an Arts or Language subject.
  • All those in the Institute are expected to attend their lessons and come prepared to work hard physically and mentally with a positive attitude. High standards and work rate are expected of all students accepted into the Institute.
Trialling for a position in the Institute

Each year students in Years 8-10 can trial for a position in the Institute. Students in Year 7 will be identified through our Sports programme and invited to join the Institute at any time throughout the year.  

The main part of the selection process involves a sport-specific skills assessment. These will be undertaken by Sacred Heart College staff involved with the Sports Institute, and a selection of outside coaches. Trials will also involve some fitness testing. 

Students will  be required to trial for the Institute each year.  Acceptance into the Sports Institute is only for one year at a time, students will be required to retrial all subsequent years.

Only students with a high level of competency in their chosen sport should trial.

If you have any questions regarding the Sports Institute, please contact the Sports Coordinator Kelly Jennings

Our Curriculum
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